geese, flap wings, pair, spring, 0320170050.jpg
Linda Freshwaters Arndt 5415x3610 / 10.3MB
Anatidae, Animalia, Anseriformes, Anserinae, Aves, Branta, Branta canadensis, Canada, Canada Goose, Canadian goose, Chippewa River, Chordata, North America, US, USA, Wisconsin, abundant, adult, animal, bird, black, black and white, breeding pair, common, environment, fauna, feathers, female, flapping wings, game bird, gamebird, gander, goose, habitat, hunted, hunted waterfowl, lake, large, male, male and female, mammal, march, marsh, mates, natural, nature, north american, north woods, northern, northwoods, nuisance, outdoors, pair, pest, pond, river, spring, stream, stretch, stretching, water, waterfowl, wetland, white, wild, wildlife, wings