trumpeter swans, Crex Meadows,1023180806.jpg
Linda Freshwaters Arndt 5472x3648 / 9.4MB
Anatidae, Animalia, Anseriformes, Anserinae, Aves, Chordata, Crex Meadows, Cygnini, Cygnus buccinator, Grantsburg, North America, October, US, USA, Wisconsin, adult, adults, animal, autumn, beautiful, bird, black beak, black bill, breeding pair, close, close up, cob, comeback, fall, fauna, feathers, huge, lake, large, mates, mature, monitor, monitored, natural, nature, north american, north woods, northern, northwoods, pair, pair of sandhill cranes, pair of swans, pen, pond, rare, recovered, recovery, refuge, sandhill cranes, special, swan, swans, swim, swimming, trumpeter swan, trumpeter swans, unusual, water, waterfowl, western Wisconsin, wet land, wetland, white, wild, wilderness lake, wildlife, wildlife refuge