tom turkey, sneaking, brush, 0413230611.jpg
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Animalia, April, Aves, Chordata, Galliformes, M. gallopavo, Meleagris, Meleagris gallopavo, Melegris, North America, Phasianidae, Turkey, US, USA, Wisconsin, adult, animal, bird, blue, brush, camo, camouflage, cautious, early spring, eastern tom turkey, eastern wild turkey, environment, escape, escaping, fauna, feathers, field, game bird, gamebird, gobbler, habitat, hidden, hide, hiding, in the brush, leery, long beard, long spur, male bird, male eastern wild turkey, male turkey, male wild turkey, meadow, natural, nature, north, north american, north woods, northern, northern Wisconsin, northwoods, pink, purple, red, showing spur, sneak, sneaking, sneaking away, sneaking by, sneaking through the brush, sneeking, sneeking away, sneeking by, spring, spring time, springtime, spur, tom, tom turkey, vegetation, walking, wild, wild turkey, wildlife