pair, trumpeter, swans, 0730193302.jpg
Linda Freshwaters Arndt 6484x3123 / 14.8MB
Anatidae, Animalia, Anseriformes, Anserinae, Aves, Chordata, Cygnini, Cygnus buccinator, July, North America, US, USA, Wisconsin, adult, animal, asleep, beautiful, bird, black beak, black bill, cob, comeback, dozing, dozing off, environment, falling asleep, fauna, feathers, habitat, huge, lake, largest North American bird, mature, monitor, monitored, natural, nature, north american, north woods, northern, northern Wisconsin, northwoods, outdoors, pair, pair of swans, pair of trumpeters, pen, pond, rare, recovered, recovery, refuge, special, summer, swan, swim, swimming, trumpeter swan, two swans, two trumpeter swans, unusual, water, waterfowl, wet land, wetland, white, wild, wilderness lake, wildlife, wildlife refuge